Returns & Exchanges

If you change your mind about an item, you must notify us at within 14 days after receiving your order. Please always refer to your order number in your communication with us. After receiving a return confirmation from us by mail, please return the product as soon as possible, no later than 14 days after receiving the confirmation. The return shipping costs are not covered by Boygal.

If you decide to return the product, please ensure that it is in perfect condition. When trying on jewelry, please wash hands before and handle the item gently to avoid any oil, dirt or marks. Store the jewelry in the Boygal jewelry box when done. All returned items must not have been used. Items returned to us in a non-sellable condition, will not be refunded and may be sent back to you. We will carry out a close inspection of the product after receiving it. If you have any questions or comments on the product received, please contact us at We will contact you as soon as the return arrives and we can then arrange either an exchange or refund.

When returning a product, you must complete the form enclosed with your shipment. It is important that you fill in the information about yourself, order number and reason for return. Please return the unused product in the boygal jewelry box, in a protected envelope. To keep track of the shipment, please provide us with the correct tracking number. The customer is responsible for the goods until they are delivered to us.

All returns is shipped to:

Boygal AS
Sofienberggata 31
0558 Oslo

Complaints & Warranty claims

There is a 2 year warranty on products sold on This warranty covers manufacturing faults only, not wear and tear from regular use. If an item was received damaged, you must contact us at as soon as possible. Please place the item back in the Boygal jewelry box to avoid any added damages. Please always refer to your order number in your communication with us, along with photos of the claim area and a description of the claim. If the product is considered defect, we will make a full refund including shipping costs when the return of the claim is received. Please always keep your receipt for the product in case of events like this.

All complaints are addressed to Boygal within a reasonable time. The parties shall endeavor to resolve any disputes amicably. if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e‑mail at

In the event of an approved complaint, we are responsible for shipping and handling costs for the item you have complained about. In the event of a dispute, you can contact the Consumer Council or your local consumer office for help.